What is Reiki?
Reiki is rooted in Japanese culture, dating back to the early 20th century, as an Eastern healing technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and whole-body healing.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words: Rei which means "divine wisdom" and Ki which is "life force energy." So Reiki is actually "spiritually-guided life force energy." Reiki signifies a vital, life sustaining energy believed to flow throughout the human body and all living things through a network of fine subtle channels (meridians) inside the body and the energy field (aura) around the outside of the body. Reiki can benefit anyone, treating the whole person including body, emotions, mind, and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing (on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual).
A treatment/session feels like a glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can utilize. It is used for and certainly not limited to: Facilitating healing, Promoting deep relaxation + pain management, Strengthening immune system, Improving quality of sleep, Easing muscle tension, anxiety + stress, and Energizes + balances whole-body. It has been effective in helping virtually every known ailment and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical and therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
To receive Reiki, you must simply be open to your own healing knowing that reiki is only ever for one’s highest good. Reiki is universal energy and as your practitioner,
I will hold space as a channel for you to access this energy. Thus, helping and supporting the restoration of your overall health and wellness. Through this gentle hands-on touch (or hands-off, if preferred), I am attuned to the healing energy of the universe creating opportunities for healing, balancing disharmony, and regenerating your systems. Being open to your own healing, allows for this energy to flow through and to your energy centres (chakras) and bodies. Reiki healing is supportive to an overall sense of well-being by getting to the root of dis-ease and affirming trust in the body’s own healing abilities.
Source: www.reiki.org
What is Multi-Dimensional Healing?
Multi-Dimensional Healing is a modality Ammatara Noel through The Center for New Life initially received after prayer and meditation on how she could best serve others through healing work. It is a very powerful modality addressing the whole person and healing and balancing the many different multi-dimensional energetic layers (such as emotional body, mental body, and causal body).
Multi-Dimensional Healing works on multiple levels. This type of healing addresses not only the physical body, but also the emotional, mental, and causal bodies and beyond. Alignment through balance and healing of all of these bodies is necessary in order for a complete healing to occur. If only the physical or only the emotional, causal, or mental is addressed, then recurring issues will continue. If you have had chronic issues with areas of physical pain or an illness or are experiencing negative emotions, fear, trauma symptoms, emotional or behavioral patterns, addictions, feel stuck, or simply desire balance and alignment to move to the next level of your evolution or spiritual journey then this service is for you. This modality dissolves and rewires patterns in the physical, emotional, and mental bodies, heals genetic and ancestral lineage, as well as dissolves karmic seeds (including contract/agreement release and past soul experience/past life)), which frees you from the karmic cycle. This translates to a profound healing and transformative effect in your life in all areas. This is being called "the new medicine".
This healing modality purifies and transmutes those patterns, traumas, negative emotions, or disqualified energies and creates healing, balance, and harmony in all of the layers (physical, emotional, mental, and causal) so that the individual can elevate vibrationally and embody higher levels of their soul, or God/Source (ascension). Vibrating to these higher planes of existence allows the person to have the potential of experiencing "being in the world, but not of the world", which means they are no longer pursued by the three fold suffering: Physical, mental, and spiritual; manifested through disease, in psychological inadequacies or complexes (and emotional pain), and in soul-ignorance. They are free to know and be their true selves, existing in a state of bliss/love regardless of the happenings of the material world.
Source: Ammatara Noel | The Center for New Life | www.clarityandhealing.com/faq
Can Reiki & Multi-Dimensional Healing be used together in a session?
Yes! Typically both are used during an energy healing session, unless you have a preference which will be discussed at the beginning of your session.